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Strategic Programs/

Influencer Marketing / Earned Media

Useful when...

  • You’re looking to boost your brand association through strategic alliances and thought leadership opportunities.
  • You want to build authentic relationships with prominent individuals or groups.
  • Your growth goals are tied to increased visibility and long-term success indicators. 


Building mutually beneficial relationships between your brand and media outlets, individual thought leaders, and relevant organizations is key to gaining trust and visibility within your target buyer markets.

Using a modern mix of traditional PR tactics and influencer engagements, Salted Stone works with organizations and executives to improve the reputation of their brand — both on and offline. 

Why Salted Stone?

Our strategies start with competitor research, followed by a deep dive into the digital preferences of a brand or organization’s audience.

We use extensive industry analysis — in concert with sophisticated social listening tools — to reach a level of contextualization that allows for more impactful and effective earned media engagements.

These reports allow us to identify persona-aligned events, partners, and digital platforms that are optimized for targeted exposure. We then craft a strategy around your goals for growth and publicity, finding creative opportunities for meaningful PR wins that go beyond tactics used by traditional public relations firms and influencer marketing agencies.

What this engagement might look like

From securing mentions in highly-trafficked industry publications to thought leadership development to planning events and launches, we have earned media down to a science.

However, there's more to earned media than forging strategic partnerships with key organizations and building a network of journalists or social influencers. We track metrics before, during, and after an earned media engagement to ensure success. Our quantitative KPI accountability comes from a host of metrics, including tracked brand mentions, social engagement, downloads or form submissions, event attendees, traffic generated by unique UTM codes, and changes in Domain Authority, SEO ranking, or backlink profile.

All that sound good?

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